Created by Jacob Calta
Art by Kevin John Jacob Logos Designed by Kely Christmas Additional Designs by Ben Rodriguez (@bar1scorpio), Moritz Kubald (@ruiningblueart), & Spookitty
Test Driver: K. Paul
Conceptual Consultant: Theo Schaefer
Firedale Audio Editor & Announcer: Brendan Rechnitzer
Generals: Weefy and BBP
Lieutenants: Evaleigh
Special Thanks to Fred Richards (@PaladinDragoon), Rob Rimes, Joseph Wiess, Anthony Joseph Buffa, Spenser Rudolph, D. Edward Lemmink, Gustavo A. Martinez, “Johnnie Walker,” HowlingFang, Ryan Maguire, Amos Lamb, Soma Mei Sheng Frazier, JVP Music, JD Cowan, ByteMapper, Cirsova, The Lord Otter, Nicky P from Iron Age Marketing, Richard from IronAge.Media, Royce from A Drink With Crazy, Daniel P. Riley, RazörFist, & Temiree