Created by Jacob Calta
Art by Kevin John Jacob Logos Designed by Kely Christmas Additional Designs by Ben Rodriguez (@bar1scorpio), Moritz Kubald (@ruiningblueart), & Spookitty
Test Driver: K. Paul
Conceptual Consultant: Theo Schaefer
Generals: Weefy and BBP
Special Thanks to Fred Richards (@PaladinDragoon), Rob Rimes, Spenser Rudolph, D. Edward Lemmink, Gustavo A. Martinez, “Johnnie Walker,” Ryan Maguire, Amos Lamb, Soma Mei Sheng Frazier, John V. Page, JD Cowan, ByteMapper, Cirsova, IronAge.Media, A Drink With Crazy, Daniel P. Riley, RazörFist, & Temiree