RED LIGHT BYTES: Updates Dossier (8-26-2024)
WE'VE HIT $1K! 9 DAYS LEFT! Updates on Campaign & New Issue!
This is going to be a pure pulse-check of the series and where we’re at. Great news: we have 5/5 sheets at the line art stage with Kevin, and feedback sent his way. Awesome news: WE’VE CRACKED $1K! We got 9 days to go, so let’s help get ‘er over the hill and into funding. The cost of printing and shipping really is the hurdle to overcome. When we pass $1860, that’s the whole budget for 2025 and after that, it’s all about paying the piper and getting you the fine books and magazines you deserve.
The other item of news is something that I’ve had to do some thinking on, but realized is best for the project: we are pushing back the release of our Fall 2024 issue by one week. Mark your calendars for SEPTEMBER 16!
This is for the simple reason that the stories are not done. The plots are outlined, they’ve all been started, but the actual business of running a Kickstarter has been the derailer. I’ve been so focused on pushing so hard that every writing session is marred by an unquiet mind, fretting in perpetuity about making our goals and making quality work. It certainly isn’t for lack of passion, for I have enjoyed the luxury of conjuring up some very fun yarns this time around.
We always inject an air of dark mystery in our Fall issues, and this one will be no different. In fact, it may be our ghostliest yet! From the strange gauntlet of terrifying fantasies Val and the Pack are forced to endure, to the fateful day Knox lost his arm, our 10th issue promises plenty of chills.
In the spirit of going nose-to-grindstone officially, I will be suspending Red Light Roundup for the remainder of the Summer offseason, and I’m going to push the start of the Fall offseason back to October 7. We’ll try and get y’all the “CULTAH!” you need at the tail end of this newsletter going forward.
For now, I thank you all for the support you’ve shown this project, and hope to see more of you join us in taking 365 INFANTRY into the real world with the pulps on sale via the Kickstarter. May God Bless You & This Force. Aim high, hellions, we can do it!