RED LIGHT BYTES: Updates Dossier (7-15-2024)
A Brief Word From Your Favorite Cyberpulp!
Took my birthday (the 14th) to kick back, relax, and refuel, and I am now proud to present our prelaunch page for 365 INFANTRY: The Ride for 2025! Give that beautiful green button a push and get notified on when the campaign launches so you don’t miss out on all the amazing things we have in store. Our range of books expands with offerings on next year’s releases, stretch goals, and more!
Nothing else to report, really, other than we’re finalizing art layouts this week and rolling right into writing on all that Fall 2024 has in store. The adventure continues in Eastern lands as Captain “Grim” Herrera and adventurer Jack T. Wellman face off against a mysterious obsidian foe, Valentina and her pack may have gotten more than they bargained for after the gang war in Machan, and a young Adam Knox is about to face the blackest day of his life in Haven’s political capital, Empire Square.
Still working on the all-in-one intro to the series, still tending to our litany of side projects, and all against the backdrop of growing interest in my work as a composer and graphic designer. Lots to do, but boy are we doing it! Can’t wait to share more. As always: May God Bless You & This Force. Be Seeing You!