RED LIGHT BYTES: Updates Dossier (4-8-2024)
The Latest From Your Favorite Cyberpulp! WILDFIRE SALE ENDS APRIL 14TH!
Time to rock the formula proper! In case you missed the update last week, Red Light Bytes is now a three-piece assault. Monday’s all business with series updates, Wednesday is about keeping ya filthy animals well fed in the world of fine entertainment, and Friday’s when the hounds are set loose with a fresh slice of flash fiction fun! This will be a two-hander, no sign-off. Just updates and this first item: a proper PBS appeal for our ongoing fire sale.
Here are all the deals laid out with handy-dandy buttons for ease of shopping!
EDIT: For those who saw the Redbubble button when this was first released, unfortunately that sale has ended. We had no control over when RB starts and stops deals, but we decided to promote the deal while it was there. Merch is available there and on Teepublic.
OUR SALE ends April 14th. And of course, we still take donations on Ko-fi with tips starting at just $1 USD. The closest you can get to old-school pulp prices!
Why Support 365 Infantry
Part of my reason for this sale is because I wanted a proper welcome-back for Red Light Bytes. Last year was rough. Lots of not-very-cool things happened on the backend, and some of it showed in release schedules falling behind, hiatuses, and more. Fortunately, that’s all in the past, and I can now start each morning with a fistful of carpe diem.
And a lotta coffee.
And it’s because I can devote my full attention to creative work here and elsewhere that I wanted to give you guys an easy way to keep this tank full.
I want 365 Infantry to be an nonstop juggernaut of pulp multimedia excitement. I have never been more creatively fulfilled in my life than I have been working on this series. It is everything I love in entertainment and art, wrapped in one wild package. The heroics of the Force, the gonzo action of “Urban Avenger” Lita, the white-knuckled humor of Nic “Speedfreak” Ridgefield and his Metröpolis posse, the core of each series and all beyond touch on something I hold near and dear to me as an artist and as a person.
I need YOUR help to keep this insane dream of high-octane sci-fi excellence alive and make it a self-sustaining project. I bankrolled the first year of this series thanks to some extremely fortunate circumstances, but I also have bills to pay like anyone else, and hustling with the best of them might not be enough.
It costs $1700 USD a year to put this whole show on in terms of baseline production. That includes the cost of main magazine art, production on Alan Firedale, and additional art made for book covers and supplementary materials. If every one of our subscribers bought a monthly paid sub at our Wildfire rate of $3.75/Month, that would cover 75% of our budget. If everyone bought it at our standard subscription rate of $5/Month, we would be 100% funded for the year.
All that being said, I’m not oblivious to the times we live in. I can hear those pennies being pinched from five miles off, Lord knows I’m squeezing myself. However, history has shown that tough times like these are when we need a chance to escape into those wild and wonderful fantasies the most, to find respite under the cloak of heroes you can trust. Stories to keep us sane, to keep us happy, and to keep us motivated to do what’s right. And I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that 365 has been a warm blanket for some of you out there. On my darkest days, it’s been mine. It’s been the only thing keeping me going. That’s why I’m committed to keeping the main magazine free-to-read online, and to making every one of my releases an affordable, worthy addition to your libraries. But I need YOUR help.
If you love what we do here, and can afford to pitch in, no time like the present to lend a hand. And the best part is that you get something in return, whether its a book in your hand, a song on your playlist, or an audio adventure for the morning commute. I will never take a reader or a dime of this project for granted. I may never get to know you all, it will be a hot minute before you see me at conventions or even on camera, but to every one who has ever read a line of this series, I thank you. Let’s keep ‘er rolling.
The Actual Updates
There’s part of me that should just slap a big fat [REDACTED] sign on this section and leave it at that. We have some major items screaming down the freeway as we speak. Some will be done sooner than others, and all are genuine productions. One is going into the planning phase, one is going into full-blown pre-production, and one will be entering post-production very soon, and a rather short period at that.
Now for shit I can talk about without violating a self-imposed NDA.
We’re still updating all web-based stories with the latest proofed manuscripts. Things have slowed down thanks to our other projects, but we’re soldiering on, like most things around here.
While we’re planning out our Summer 2024 issue, editing continues on the Roger Steele novella The Short-Circuit Revolution and we are mastering and prepping the next volume of the Alan Firedale soundtrack for release. This will cover music from Episodes 3 to 5, feature some more kickass art by the wonderful Kevin John Jacob, and perhaps a surprise treat or two! I’ll leave you all with the latest draft of his cover, and as always:
May God Bless You and This Force. Thanks for the support, soldiers!